Memes ragas sweat lodge (inipi) ceremony

Price: from 50€
Duration: ~5 hrs
Group size: from 10 people

This sweat lodge is very unusual and different, built out of hazel branches and is called INIPI (by indigenous people of North America). During the ceremony we use wool blankets from the outside in order to create darkness inside. There is a hole in the middle which is filled with hot stones. Once they join water and create steam, you will undergo a purification process for humility, strength and power. 

The ceremony itself calls for spiritual awakening and perceiving oneself through all four elements (Earth, Water, Air and Fire). 

It is a whole day experience which consists of setting up a fireplace, hiking to an old oak tree, sauna session and gathering by a fire while enjoying some organic food for dinner. 


  • Sauna/ceremony session
  • Tea made by a local herbalist
  • Drinking water
  • Freshly made organic food (dinner)

What to take with you

  • Sauna clothes, if needed (we recommend wearing clothes out of natural materials. You can also wear a sauna skirt/dress or swimming trunks)
  • 2-3 towels
  • Slippers
  • Cozy clothes (to wear after the ceremony)

Request for ordering

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