Memes ragas sweat lodge (inipi) ceremony

This sweat lodge is very unusual and different, built out of hazel branches and is called INIPI (by indigenous people of North America). During the ceremony we use wool blankets from the outside in order to create darkness inside. There is a hole in the middle which is filled with hot stones. Once they join … Read more

Sauna bathing session with Egle

Sauna bathing sessions became a part of my life when I was seeking more of a personal growth. I remember that day when my colleagues were delivering a sauna to Asalnai campsite (place where I work) and it became clear to me this was the thing I wanted to learn more about. In 2022 I … Read more

Steam bath reservations

Steam bath is a perfect place not only to wash yourself, but to relax and spend some time concentrating on your thoughts and travelling through your feelings. It’s a place where we can focus on ourselves. After spending some quality time in a steam bath, we feel refreshed, reborn and more connected to mother Earth. … Read more